Murrel. Org Updated 3/16/2003  

  The Moment of Truth is at Hand
   March 17, 2003

The President has said that the moment of truth is at hand. And so it is. In more ways than one.

Tomorrow Saddam may well be facing down the guns of the US and British forces as they begin their way to Baghdad. The moment of truth for him is at hand. His political gambit - an attempt to tough his way though UN inspections and negotiations - has failed. He pinned his hopes that France would be able to derail US plans. But President Bush is a straightforward man who does what he believes and doesn't take his focus off the main issue.

And the moment of truth is at hand for the UN, whose political grousing and endless debates and unsupported resolutions leave it somewhat hollow and empty. The prestige and authority of the UN will suffer a blow that will take years to recover - if it does recover.

The moment of truth is also at hand for France, Iraq's defender in endless legal and political machinations. If Iraq uses, as they surely will, their weapons of mass destruction in an attempt to fend off the US-British forces, the world will find out that in spite of France's protestations, Iraq does indeed possess those weapons and all the “fruitful” inspections and efforts of Hans Blix and his team have been useless.

France once tried to assert that Saddam had given up all his weapons of mass destruction, but no one believed them. Tomorrow they may be faced with the choice of claiming to the world that they have been duped or were duplicitous in helping Saddam hide the truth. Either way it will be a bad day for France.

The moment of truth is also at hand for France and Russia and their attempt to save their profitable oil contracts with Saddam. Perhaps they will decide, albeit too late, that a better way to have saved their economic stake would have been to throw in with the US, extending those contracts as the quid pro quo for their support.

Yes, the moment of truth is at hand. It is one of those times in history where the world will change and never be the same again. Pax Americana is at hand.

-Murrel Rhodes